Monday, September 7, 2009

Back to School

We made it through our first couple days of school. Our school started back this past Wednesday, a few days earlier than normal. We typically start the Wednesday after Labor Day but since the holiday was so late this year we started back earlier to avoid having to go later into June.

My daughter is starting 1st grade. This is her first year going to school for a full day. She had enough nerves to go around for all of us. Anxious about all the new children in her class, seeing her classmates from last year, and this year her BEST friend is not in her class:( But all went well! She had plenty to say when I picked her up.

My son on the other starting 3rd grade, and well this is just part of life...something he HAS to do. If he could just socialize at school and not have any of the work to do...well that would be perfect. I'm hoping that he will have one of those teachers some year that just knocks his socks off and changes his outlook on school.

All and all the first couple days of school went great! We're back into the swing of our routine and can you believe that they both had homework over the weekend!! We normally never have weekend homework...And as for me I got so much accomplished with my days free. I'm getting ready for a huge Art's Festival that I am exhibiting in this weekend, so a lot of my time was occupied getting ready for the show.


  1. Do you ever think that if the curriculum were planned out better, there would be no homework? Ever.

  2. Awwww!!! Priceless photos!

  3. Hi Shelby
    Thanks for sharing the back to school pics! Your kids look adorable in their uniforms. And look at your that one photo he looks like he's already buried in books! :-( They sure don't' waste time sending out homework. My 3rd grader started today and he already had a ton of math to do!
    Good luck getting ready for your exhibit! Which one is it?
