Monday, April 25, 2011

I Hate Yellow

Please excuse Shelby for being absent from her blogging community, and life in general, last week. I've had a strong hold on her all week. She's been unable to function properly as I cause her to have labored breathing, scratch her eyes out of her head, and make her head feel like it will explode, and I'm only getting started...but lucky for her the Zyrtec is starting to kick in and relieve her symptoms.



  1. Oh Shelby! I'm so sorry to hear that your allergies kicked in. Mine were awful last year so i'm hoping for a reprieve this year. I hope that the Zyrtec makes you feel better so you can get back to your workbench! Be well!

  2. oh, no! So sorry you have to deal with the "yellow menace"! My hubby has Spring allergies pretty bad, and I have them occasionally, but this year have been exempt so far! Keep taking that Zyrtec and get better!

  3. amen. Me too! Damn being over 28 and being plagued by allergies! :(

  4. Me toooooo! And around here it is all yellow, yellow, yellow!

  5. I share you're pain Shelby...I never suffered until I moved to the area I live in now and bought a house surrounded by woodland!!!
